Friday, April 28, 2017

Minnie Mouse Bed | Violet

Hey folks!  Violet here.  Well it has been a very long time since we have posted.  Not much has happened in the past several months.  Mommy and Daddy has been pretty busy with their work and school, but they always make time for us.  

We have been getting some awesome new toys, sweet yummy new treats and this cool, comfy new bed!  Check it out!


It is from some cartoon character named Minnie Mouse, my mommy told me.  At first I was not sure what to think of it, but after a day or so I got in and I hardly ever want to come out.  

I thought this was all for me, but obviously not because.......

I guess my big bro likes it too.  It's fine though.  I think their may be room for both of us in there.  We shall see.  If so, we will send pics.  

Well, we didn't have much more except for our trip to see bluebonnets in Ennis, TX.  Daddy is working on something about that and will help us post it very soon.  

Ok.  Talk to you guys later!

Violet out!