Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Where's Violet? | Violet

Violet here:

I really enjoy snuggling into some blankets.  So much that sometimes my parents cannot find me.  Can you?

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Grazin' Chi | Da Crittaz

Hey folks, Violet of Da Crittaz here.  

So daddy has caught me doing one of my favorite things.  I don't know what it is, but I find outside grass so yummy.  I know it should be rare for us dogs to munch on it, but me and my brother do it almost all of the time!  Not very often does my mommy and daddy see us do this, but in the past they have wondered.  Well now it has been made possible for you all to see one my fun habits.  

The video below is not eventful, but it is kind of entertaining.  Enjoy!


Sunday, June 5, 2016

Mommy And Me | Violet

2 years ago, weeks after the devastating loss of my predecessor, Bella, momma met this me on a whim. 

Life has never been the same after Bella, but it's never been the same since getting me either!  I am their little heart mender.  And I take the job very seriously. 

"Daddy not feeling good?  I'll stay here right at his knee."  ❤️💕❤️

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Remembering Our Sister, Bella | Da Crittaz

Hello folks.  Today is a pretty tough day because this is the day, 2 years ago, we lost our sister, Bella.  For those of you who don't know, Bella was a long-haired, black and white chihuahua.  She was a chi who demanded a lot of attention from her human counterparts.  She always presented herself a princess and she was an influential leader.  We will talk about our experience with her as we remember it.

Hi.  I am Lucas.  I am the oldest of Da Crittaz and the only feline of the crew.  They describe me as a grey tabby.  Pretty simple I guess.  I actually lived with my humans as the lone animal in the house and I was happy.  We would play at times and I would sit by this window and see this flying creature stop by and sit outside of the window.  I don't know what my deal was, but I felt that I needed to get to that creature, but I didn't, so I would just sit there and make these off sounds.  

Not long after did the little creature entered the home and was pretty much everywhere.  she was getting into my stuff, she would stay where she should and she would even start bothering me.  This would go on for a long, long time, and after a while I had to make a decision.  Take her down or just try to live with her.  I when with the latter, but I did let my human parents know that I was not very happy about it.  I really thought it was going to be just me, but it's alright because we ended up becoming besties.  I love my little sister and I miss her dearly.  Rest in piece, Bella.

Tyson here!  I guess it's my turn.  I am what they call a mix breed specifically called a Chiweenie, which is combination of a Chihuahua and a Dachshund.  Kind of complex, but I live with it.  I came into the family I think in 2006 and I was 4 months old when that happened.  My daddy was the first to hold me and it felt nice.  They had to think about taking me in or I may have had to go to a place called the shelter and that didn't sound good according to the other humans in the building.  They came back and decided to take me with them.  I was pleased, but when we got home, I found a surprise.  A little dog that was about the same colors as me with a lot of hair.  She only came to about 2/3rds my size and she was pretty hyper (at times).  My new parents called her Bella.  There was another one in the house, but I don't think he was of the same kind as me.  They called him Lucas.  I didn't know what to make of this and my anxiety was very confused.  

We would play and it was very hard to keep up with Bella and I had a blast with Lucas because we would wrestle a lot.  I like wrestling. It didn't not take us long to get used to each other so all was ok.   When me and her went to the park I would play around with the other dogs, but she would just hand around the humans.  Sometimes I would hear a loud sharp sound come out of her and I would think that she's in trouble.  So  I would run to her and find other dogs surrounding her.  I would work to get them away from her and check if she was ok.  I had to be a good little brother to her and I felt I was.

Years later, my daddy had got really sick and it took me a long time to figure it out because he would be gone for days at a time and when he came back home, I could not be near him at all.  It made me sad and worried, but it look like mom and big sis worked to help me feel better.  

There were sometimes had to stay at other places for a while and then return home, but one day I did return home and later noticed that my sister was not here.  I was confused and started to get worried again.  I went by her little house and she was not there. I went to her bed and she was not there.  I went to mommy and Bella even was not there.  I became sad and for days I would just lay on her bed.  I later accepted that she was gone and I had to adapt to being the lone dog in the house, but that didn't not last for long!

A while later, mommy came home with a new dog.  She had the long hair like Bella, but was not the same shade as her and she only had one color.  Mommy called her Violet.  She was pretty timid at first and I was too excited to figure her out and possibly get her to play with me even though I was still sad about big sis.  She later became a bit snippy, which I remember from big sis when she wanted me to leave her alone and then would come buy me and like me very much.  She then started to lay on top of me and eventually played with me.  It was a new adjustment, but no matter what I do or try, Violet was going to do what Violet wanted to do.  Just like my big sis, Bella.  I am happy now, but I still think about her from time to time.  Daddy did come completely back home and was doing so much better and my hair had turned grey and even white in certain places.  Mommy said it was because of stress and a lot of worry/sadness.  I am good though and I still have a lot of life left in me.  Goodbye big sis.  You taught me a lot and I will never forget you.

What up people?!  I am called Violet!  They say I am a long-haired tan chihuahua and I was born in 2012.  I was rescued from a breeder and I was taken to a new place with a dog very different than the ones I live with before.  He was a bit bigger and he seemed to have a few features like me.  My parents said that he was part of what I am and a part something else.  That's sounds complicated, but oh well!  I took me a while to get used to the new digs, but when i did, I had a blast.  I got to run around as much as I can and I gave a lot of licks to a lot of people.  

They talk about another dog like me who was here and then went away a little before I arrived.  Her name was Bella and they said I would have liked her.  They said there were some things similar about us and some things very different.  The biggest difference was that she was very prissy and was like a princess and I was very tomboyish.  They say I am not a replacement and they are very happy to have me in the house.  Bella sounded like a very good dog and I do believe that we would have gotten along very well.  Would have been nice to have a big sister, but I am good with my situation now.  Rest in piece, Bella.  Where ever you are and I hope you are here to guide me as I move on in the household you once ruled.

So there you go!  Our experiences with a great sister to have.  She will be forever in our hearts and we will never forget her.


Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Determined Crittaz

We are sorry folks.  It has been a long while, but we do try to have new videos for you guys.

So this one is basically all about us trying to find that one comfy spot in the bed.  It sometimes turn into a long and intense process.

Click the video to check it out and make sure you are following our blog (Thin Box On Right Panel).  

Also, subscribe to our YouTube Channel also called Da Crittaz

Thursday, March 10, 2016

A Rainy Week Story

A rainy week story, as told by Tyson:  "I'm going to melt. I peed a jet stream and now I'm howling at the door, all in 6 seconds flat. Why do you hate me?  (Scratching for dear life). Let me in!  My feet are wet!  Why aren't you letting me in RIGHT NOW?  I'm melting!"

A rainy week story, as told by Violet:  "It's raining!  The world is alive with wonder!  I'm alive!  We're all alive!  It's amazing!  But why are you calling for me?  We've only been out here 6 seconds!??!!  Why don't you want me to have fun?  I have mud and leaves and puddles to explore!  Tyson, come play!  I'm alive with wonder!"

Guess who needs a bath?  Just because she's adorable, furry, blonde, and 6lbs, does not make her clean 😜

Sunday, February 7, 2016

First Daddy, Now Mommy

Something is going on with out parents.  Daddy was having some issues with breathing and sounded like he was sniffling and coughing.  Days later he was seeming better than mommy started to do the same thing.  Now she is in bad shape and we can help but feel compelled to comfort her.  We hope whatever is going on will pass quickly.  We love you mommy and daddy!!!!


Wednesday, February 3, 2016

We Get Animals, but not Humans

We never understood why humans do these things.  There are cats and dogs in here and that makes sense, but humans.  SMH.

Saturday, January 23, 2016


I did not want to leave this comfortable blanket, but daddy does this trick using my brother, Tyson that get's me doing.  Not fair!

Click This Link to SUBSCRIBE to Da Crittaz YouTube Channel

Friday, January 22, 2016


Hello everybody!  We are Da Crittaz, Tyson and Violet.  Daddy has decided to make a blog for us and we will post some of out adventures in the family and in the world.  Since this blog is about, we will most likely be typing in the third person or something (Wakka Wakka, trademark Fozzie Bear).  We will figure it out.

I, Tyson am a Black and White, Short-Haired, Chiweenie.  For those who never new, a Chiweenie is a mixed of a Chihuahua and a Dachshund.  I came to his current at the age of 4 months because the previous family was concerned that I would be jealous of the new baby and might hurt them.  Can you believe it?!  I was originally going to be sent to a shelter if no one would take him in with in a month.  A friend of my current family told them about it and they sprung into action.  They took me in 2006 and I have been with them ever since.  I was born on March 13, 2006 and I am going to be 10 years old this year.  Very exciting.

When I came home I met my brother, Lucas (Grey Tabby Cat) any sister, Bella (a Black and White Long-Haired Chihuahua).  Man did I drive those two crazy, but we did have fun.  Lucas later moved out to our cousins, the Fulghams, because they wanted a cat and a kitten was to rough for their baby.  So Lucas was a good choice, especially since he was getting tired of me.  Bella is no longer with us for a much sadder reason.  She had a bad misunderstanding and caused her to leave this word.  It was so rough not to see her again that I now sleep in a couple of her beds because the smell reminds me of her.  Now we have Violet and she drive me crazy.  She lay on me, lick me constantly and chases me all over the place.  So exhausting.  I guess she's in it for the long haul.

And now, here's Violet.

I, Violet, am a Tan, Long-Haired, Chihuahua from Middle Texas.  I was born on September 9, 2012 and had my first litter a year later.  I love those kids so much that I would break out of my own cage just to be with them.  My owner decided that I should get a new home and in comes my new mommy.  My old sister, Bella, left this world too soon in May of 2014.  Shortly after, my mommy found me and fell in love.  She came on down and scooped me up.  I have been in the house and met my new brother, Tyson.  He game me a kind of tough welcome, but I made sure he knew I was here forever.   GET USE TO IT!  They tell me that I am similar to my sister, yet pretty different.  We are both princesses, but she was very prissy and I am a bit gruff.  I give everyone a lot of love, but they tell me that I need to kind of tone it down.  It's kind of hard to do.

So that our introduction.  Sorry that was so long, but there is so much more we have not talked about, but throughout this blog we or may be even some of our friends/family will be posting entries here and there.

So follow our blog by entering your email address on the left panel.

Also please feel free to check out and follow our other Social Media sites:


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Until next time........